Ruby Ramblings

Ruby Rambles in Nepal
February 25, 2019, 1:26 am
Filed under: Nepal, Non Profit, Travel, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , ,

In 2007, I lived in Bhaktapur, Nepal just south of Kathmandu. I was learning, teaching, almost getting married, and transforming myself yet again.  I wrote a few of the songs off Fieldnotes From a Caravan, including Appalachia to the Himalayas.


In 2011, I spent a month backpacking in Mongolia, and met a woman named Meredith who runs Fire Projects out of Flagstaff.

They do a lot of medical work with HepA prevention, cataract/glaucoma surgeries (lack of vitamin A in both countries leads to early, but treatable blindness) and rebuilding in Nepal since the 2015 earthquake. I’ve been trying to get the funds together for a few years to join them. This year for my 40th Bday seemed like the right time to make it happen.

Here’s a video outlying what we’ll continue to be working on.


Of course, the trip is quite expensive. There is a Dana (Buddhist practice of cultivating generosity) donation to FIRE to cover the medical, building and food supplies we’re bringing to the villages, as well as to cover our three weeks of lodging, jeep/bus transportation, food, and paying local porters. I have my plane fare ($1200) saved, but am asking for help with the donation to FIRE ($1800).

Rather than use a crowd-funding source, which takes 4-9% of your donation, I made a “family and friends” Paypal link where nothing will be taken out in fees. PayPal link for Shanna’s Nepal trip.

I’m back at my 2nd job and selling books and clothes that don’t fit anymore like crazy, but I’m still going to need a little boost to pull this off! A small donation from lots of folks goes a long way.

Here’s more information about the volunteer project, maybe you want to go too! FIRE Volunteer

Nepal Fund

$525 of $1800 raised so far.